Foot Pressure worksheet
IAW Athlete Kelly gets ready to jerk 92kgs in his first Olympic Weightlifting Competition - The Hawaii Open 2022, hosted by IAW.
The foot pressure worksheet is to help athletes understand where their personal preference for foot pressure is. At IAW we focus on building an athlete’s individual style and it all starts with their foot pressure. Where one athlete pushes out of to produce maximal power output can be completely different from another and it is important for all athletes to know exactly where that point is on their feet.
We often hear that athletes should be pushing out of their mid foot. This is not incorrect but when we are talking about discovering an individualized foot pressure, we are met with a variable of things that are unaccounted for (some include but not limited to - mobility, athletic background and general fitness). This worksheet will help athletes take a whole new approach to finding the most efficient technique for themselves possible. It all starts with foot pressure and how an athlete is able to produce power through that specific area.
Download the worksheet below for free!